Great coverage for Conservative Lobby Day; Registration open for CCL's 2020 conference 

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Newsletter, February 2020
Table of Contents:
New Senate caucus members 
Conservative Lobby Day media 
Register for June conference 
Inglis on national call 
Employer match on CCL donations
Lobbying: Bringing conservatives 
Training topics 
Action Team updates
Senate Climate Caucus adds
4 members; 3 new
cosponsors for H.R. 763


The movement for cross-party collaboration on climate change picked up some steam last week with the addition of four members to the bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus. The new members (shown above) are Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Susan Collins (R-ME) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).

In a press release, caucus co-chair Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) said, “We have a diverse group of Senators who have joined the Climate Solutions Caucus, which is important because Congress cannot make significant progress on climate issues until we can convince all Americans that climate policy can make a meaningful difference without harming their pocketbooks.”

Over in the House, the Energy Innovation Act continues to rack up cosponsors. Since Congress returned from the holiday break, three more House members have come on board — Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH), Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CA) and Rep. Mary Scanlon (D-PA). You can tweet your appreciation to them and other cosponsors with CCL’s online tool

Great coverage for Conservative Climate Lobby Day

With attention focused on Republicans in Congress coming to the table on climate solutions, the timing of CCL’s Conservative Climate Lobby Day last week could not have been better. The event drew impressive coverage in the media, including reports in Bloomberg, Bloomberg Radio, an E&E News article and a video segment, and newsletters of Washington Examiner and Politico. VICE News also filmed both days for a segment that should air in March. Members of the conservative team also appeared on several podcasts, such as The Climate Pod, Climate Champions, The Last Environmentalist, and others.

Know any conservatives who are concerned about climate change? Send them to our Conservatives page on CCL’s website. 

Registration open for CCL's 2020 conference

Registration is now open for CCL’s International Conference and Lobby Day, June 7-9, in Washington, D.C. At the conference, participants will be trained to effectively engage members of Congress to build support for climate solutions. They will then put that training to use on Capitol Hill by meeting with congressional offices. 



We also have two scholarship funds available to assist people of color and conservatives to come to the conference. For more information and to apply: Diversity Scholarship and Conservative Scholarship. Application deadline is March 29. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Bob Inglis joins national call 

On our February national call last Saturday, CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds announced that registration is open for the June conference and lobby day in Washington. Mark touched on last week’s Conservative Climate Lobby Day, acknowledging what a “game-changing moment” it was for conservatives to be lobbying with other conservatives in congressional meetings. 

Our guest speaker, former Republican Congressman Bob Inglis, was also at the Third Coast Regional Conference in Houston. He opened his remarks by saying how great it was to hear the room spontaneously burst into applause when conservatives were asked to raise their hands. Bob’s introduction and remarks begin at 2:45 in the recording. 

Employers may match your gift to Citizens' Climate

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and Citizens’ Climate still needs a match… Will you help us? 

Of course, we mean employer matching for your generous donations and volunteer hours over the last year. More than half of employers offer matching programs, and yours may be one of them. Find out instantly if your employer will double or triple your charitable impact! 



It’s not too late to get your 2019 donations matched, or to help Citizens’ Climate Education claim funding for the countless hours that you’ve volunteered with us. Simply click here, search your employer, and fill out the forms. 

Because most companies only donate to eligible 501(c)(3) organizations, please ask for charitable donations to Citizens’ Climate Education Corp on the form. Our EIN number is 26-2948811.

Lobbying: Bringing conservatives to D.C.

Peter Garrett (third from right in photo), one of the attendees at CCL's Conservative Lobby Day last week, took a very strategic approach to his lobbying efforts. He personally invited several prominent Republicans from his community to attend the event with him. These were people who had served in Maine’s state legislature as Republicans, and one even regularly appears on local news to offer a conservative voice. Two of them attended the event and lobbied alongside Peter, adding a lot of value to the meetings and bringing more conservative voices into the climate discussion. Now that they’re all back in Maine, Peter says, “I am working with both of them to extend the ‘Conservative Action on Climate’ message to their peers here, for whom climate may still be a taboo subject for discussion.”

CCL volunteers are regularly activating the “five levers” of political will in their communities. To talk with other CCLers about their lobbying work and get advice or ideas for your own, head to the “Lobbying Congress” forum on CCL Community. 

Training topics

CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers. Here are the next few sessions you can join: 

2/13 Citizens' Climate University: Paperless Grassroots Outreach - Skip the middleman, save some trees and a little drudgery by using mobile devices to engage and enroll new supporters at outreach events. Learn more.

2/18 Core Volunteer Training: The Economics of Carbon Fee and Dividend Policies - Become an expert on the policy that underpins the Energy Innovation Act by joining this webinar with retired US-AID economist Robert Archer. Learn more.

2/20 Citizens' Climate University: Managing Money in Your Group - If your chapter has expenses to handle, this training will help with raising and managing funds, including setting up a bank account. Learn more.

To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

Action Team updates 

Featured Action Team: Led by Steffi Rausch and T. Todd Elvins, the Grasstops Engagement Action Team helps volunteers engage prominent community leaders to show their support for the Energy Innovation Act. The team’s next call is February 12 at 8 p.m. ET. Guest speakers will be (shown above from left) Michael O'Hara, Eleanor Saunders, and Kathy O'Connor, who will show how to build a statewide team focused on securing city, county, and state resolutions endorsing the bill. Learn how this team has strategically and collaboratively secured seven resolutions.     

You can learn about, join, and get call details on the Grasstops Engagement Action Team page. 

Other upcoming Action Team calls …

  • 2/12 - Latinos Action Team call at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT- Discussing Earth Day planning.  

  • 2/12 - Team OIL Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.  

  • 2/12 - Youth Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT - Students from three states will share how they have formed youth teams.

  • 2/17 - Progressive Action Team call at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT - How to be active and nonpartisan CCLers in the 2020 campaigns. 

  • 2/19 - Coal Country Action Team call at 12 p.m. ET/9 a.m. PT.

  • 2/19 - Climate and Culture Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

  • 2/19 - Strategic Planning Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.   

Details for all these calls are on the Community Events Calendar.

To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you, head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community.

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