On Thursday, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) reported that Charles Koch’s super PAC, AFP Action (AFPA), spent $347,022 in May to discredit his presidential bid in 2024. AFP joins Club for Growth as the first right-wing super PACs to openly oppose Trump’s candidacy.

The initial election spending was for digital attack ads in four states to test various political messages with GOP primary voters. One 15-second spot claims that the only way Biden can win is if Trump is the nominee, and points out that 60% of voters oppose the ex-president running again. A second AFP Action ad uses the same 60% statistic and claims that Trump “has done a lot of good things,” but that he can’t win in 2024 since swing voters won’t support him. The 15-second ads on YouTube are straightforward, making use of still photos and graphics.

All four states hold early presidential primaries—or in Iowa’s case, caucuses—and although the Koch group has not yet announced its support of any of the many GOP candidates who have announced so far, its message is clear: never Trump again.

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Federal Covid Relief Funds Fuel Koch-Backed Flat Tax “Revolution”

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ALEC’s State Ratings Favor Corporate Policy Wish-List Over Quality of Life

ALEC’s annual economic survey ranks states “rich” based on how closely states track the corporate pay-to-play group’s preferred tax and labor policies as opposed to actual quality of life factors such as wages, poverty rates, and access to healthcare. 


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CMD Around the Web


CMD's research was recently cited by the following publications:

  • New York Magazine: A Tea-Party Veteran Wants to Upend the Constitution With a Convention
  • The Guardian: Alarm at rightwing push to reverse clean-energy success in Texas and beyond
  • Green America: Anti-ESG is third stage of climate denial - here's how to fight back
  • The Lever: Dark Money’s Behind The Debt Ceiling Plan To Punish The Poor
  • Current Affairs: Doctors Who Spread Medical Misinformation Should Lose Their Licenses. Why Don’t They?
  • Eco RI News: Secretly Funded Climate Obstruction Keeps the Fossil Fuel Fires Burning
  • The New Republic: Who Is Leonard Leo’s Mysterious Dark Money King?
  • Popular Information
    "Women's Bill of Rights" created by secretive group that opposes women's rights
  • The Week: How conservatives have moved to undermine federal authority
  • Daily Kos: Hillsdale College: From 1990s Sex Scandal to Setting Educational Standards for Christ Nationalists
  • HuffPost: Citing Neo-Nazi Plots Against The Grid, States Pass Laws Meant To Thwart Climate Protests

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Arn H. Pearson
Executive Director

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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