John, one Republican senator wants to block every single person President Biden nominates for Justice Department positions – unless all charges against Donald Trump are dropped.
That’s right: Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) is holding our government hostage – so he can hand Donald Trump a blank check to violate the law.
This is a shameless attempt to place Donald Trump above the law, and could leave critical government positions unfilled for months – including the Director of the Office on Violence Against Women, whose nomination is pending. I need you to help shut this stunt down immediately.
No one senator should be able to hold up the entire Senate’s work – and extremist Republicans CANNOT shut down the Justice Department for holding Trump accountable. Add your name if you agree >>
John, this is absurd. The Justice Department conducted a lengthy and thorough investigation into the documents they found at Donald Trump’s resort, and a federal grand jury of American citizens from across the political spectrum found there was evidence to indict him on 37 counts of obstructing justice and mishandling classified documents.
Yet instead of letting the case go to trial and be ruled upon in a court of law, Sen. Vance is threatening to “grind [the Justice] department to a halt” until the charges are dropped.
We’ve already seen the dramatic consequences of this sort of Senate power play – like when Mitch McConnell denied then-President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee a hearing or a vote for nearly a year so that President Trump could fill the vacancy instead.
We can’t let our government be ruled by petty grudges or partisan revenge plots. And one senator doesn’t get to disrupt our whole system and hold up crucial nominations just because he’s mad that Donald Trump is facing consequences for his actions.
Add your name if you agree: The Senate must continue to confirm Justice Department nominations as usual.
Thanks for all you do,
Stephen Spaulding, Vice President of Policy & External Affairs
and the team at Common Cause