We have a small ask: Will you make a donation of just $5 to help power our work? BUT, only if you agree…
…If you agree that every American should have access to affordable health care.
…If you agree that no one should be trapped in a cycle of debt because of predatory payday lending practices.
…If you agree that every working person should be paid a fair and livable wage and have access to paid family and medical leave.
…If you agree that every person should have the freedom to make their own decisions when it comes to their reproductive health care.
…If you agree that Americans should be able to use the power of their vote to pass the policies they need when their elected officials refuse to act.
Friend: If you agree with any of the above statements, will you power our work with a $5 donation today?
Since 2016, we’ve fought alongside voters to run and win campaigns that put the issues working people in America need on the ballot and enact life-changing policies when their elected officials can’t or won’t act.
If you’re with us, and want to continue to see voters expand Medicaid coverage, raise wages, enact paid leave, end predatory debt traps, and permanently protect their reproductive freedom, will you make a donation of $5 or whatever you can afford today, friend?
Thank you,
FP Team