Is the Supreme Court putting ‘a thumb on the scale for property owners’?


In her concurring opinion in Sackett v. EPA, Justice Elena Kagan—probably the sharpest rhetorician on the bench, especially when she’s disagreeing with her colleagues—complained the Court’s majority was putting “a thumb on the scale for property owners.

Well, asks Nicole W.C. Yeatman, shouldn’t there be a thumb on the scale for property owners in the court of law?

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PLF’s relentless 50-year fight to protect individuals from EPA’s ambiguity


On October 18, 1972, Congress enacted into law the Clean Water Act, giving the federal government authority to regulate pollution and quality standards for the “waters of the United States.”

On March 5, 1973, Pacific Legal Foundation became the first public interest legal organization dedicated to protecting individual liberty.

The respective priorities of protecting the nation’s waters and protecting property rights are often in tension, writes Chad Wilcox, resulting in a joust between PLF and government enforcers that’s endured for 50 years—and counting.

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Family trucking business fights to keep government in its constitutional lane


Peters Brothers, Inc. has proudly called Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania, home for 73 years.

Today, however, expensive new emissions regulations threaten to price the family business out of state. Worse, the new regulations were enacted in California, but under 2002 rules adopted by Pennsylvania regulators, whatever emissions standards California concocts for heavy diesel engines automatically goes on the books in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania cannot give away governing power to unelected bureaucrats in California. So, the company is fighting back.

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It’s a great week for ending home equity theft in Nebraska


Joshua Polk details how only two weeks after PLF’s major Supreme Court victory against home equity theft in Tyler v. Hennepin County, there is once again cause for celebration, especially if you live in Nebraska.

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