Looking back to the beginning, I see incredible changes. 30 years ago, our vision that environmental progress and economic development can be achieved together was called ambitious. Today, sustainability is conventional wisdom. Renewable energy is becoming a trillion-dollar global industry. Today, we can shop among dozens of new electric cars.
Imagine what we can do together in the next 30 years. That will require tenacious, effective public interest attorneys, policy advocates and scientists. That will require forward-thinking business leaders, creative union leaders, and expansive civic thinkers. That will require us to make choices to save the planet – choices of what we purchase, and who gets our votes.
Working together, we can do it! For people and Midwest communities, for nature, and for the future of our planet. Thank you for what all of you do to help ELPC succeed. And, thank you for all that you will keep doing to protect our planet.
Very sincerely,
