Pledge to be counted and to educate your community about why the 2020 Census is so important.
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Fight to: Be Counted
The 2020 Census is coming—will you be counted?

THIS is your moment to be counted. Take The Leadership Conference's pledge today by tweeting your support!

Communities that don't get fully counted in the 2020 Census will miss out for the next 10 years. And that undercount would have a domino effect on political representation... on jobs... on healthcare centers... on funding for children's classrooms... and so many other crucial resources.

Remember, we need a 2020 Census that truly reflects who we are. With an increasingly diverse population—geographically, culturally, and linguistically—too many of those residents will fall into communities the census has historically missed. This is why we need everyone to count in the 2020 Census.

It's why we're working hard to ensure no one is missed. With only one month to the self-response window, we'll be ready with key tips and useful information so you're not missing when it matters.

NOW is our moment to ensure communities across the board are afforded the political power and resources they deserve.

Can we count you in?

—The Leadership Conference
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Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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