Big news, friend,
Thanks in part to the help of more than 21,000 supporters like you, the EPA has extended their comment period deadline on chlormequat to July 25.
This is great news, but our work is just beginning. The EPA is still considering allowing chlormequat on U.S.-grown crops and food, despite it being linked to a number of serious reproductive and nervous system-related health problems in mammals.
We can’t let Big Ag convince the EPA to put our health at risk – click this link to sign your name to our petition telling the EPA to get chlormequat out of our food!
You can also help us by spreading the word on social media.
Thanks for taking action, friend.
Leo Weinreb
Senior Digital Production Associate, EWG
---------- Original Message ----------
From: EWG Action Alert
Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
Subject: Action needed re: dangerous chemical in our food
Here’s the situation, friend: FIRST: Studies began to show that the agricultural chemical chlormequat was linked to reproductive and nervous system harm in mammals. These studies are so alarming, EWG scientists are concerned chlormequat could also harm human health! THEN: EWG exposed concerning levels of chlormequat in oat-based cereals, even though chlormequat is currently only allowed on imported grains. NOW: The EPA wants to allow chlormequat on certain grains grown in the U.S. – despite the health risks!! It would also set allowable levels of residues in meat, dairy, poultry and eggs. The agency is asking the public to weigh in, but we only have until the comment period closes on May 24, 2023. If we miss this chance, we’ll all be exposed to chlormequat for years to come! |
We’ve made it easier than ever to take action on the issues that matter to you most. If you’ve saved your information with FastAction, clicking this button will automatically add your name to our petition. |
Chlormequat has been linked to a number of concerning health problems in mammals, including disrupted fetal growth, like altered metabolism and changed bone development, as well as harm to reproduction. A study from the UK, where the chemical is allowed on oats, found chlormequat at concerning levels in almost 100 percent of people sampled. This is a unique opportunity to stop a chemical’s approval, before it harms our health. EWG is meeting the moment head-on, demanding government regulators like the EPA prioritize our health and safety and stop catering to Big Ag. |
We’ve made it easier than ever to take action on the issues that matter to you most. If you’ve saved your information with FastAction, clicking this button will automatically add your name to our petition. |
Thanks for taking action, friend. – EWG Action Alert |
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EWG's mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. EWG is a non-profit and non-partisan organization. The EWG Action Fund, a separate sister organization ofEWG, is a legislative advocacy organization that promotes healthy and sustainable policies.
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