
Donald Trump may have run on a promise to defend Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. But his latest budget breaks that promise with cuts that hurt seniors, low-income families, and people with disabilities.

And why is Trump proposing such devastating cuts to critical services for seniors and working families? To extend his tax handouts to the wealthy—increasing them from $1.9 trillion over 10 years to $3.1 trillion over 13 years. And greatly increasing military spending on new hypersonic and nuclear weapons.
The EPI Policy Center is providing our allies with the data and research to fight back against Donald Trump’s budget proposal that’s dangerous to working families across the country. With your help, we will stop these cruel budget cuts from ever becoming law.
Pitch in $5 or more to the EPI Policy Center today to fight Trump’s austerity budget that slashes critical programs for working families to pay for more tax cuts for the rich and dramatic increases in military spending.
But that’s not all! Trump’s budget proposal also contains cuts to affordable housing, infrastructure, environmental protection and more.
Instead of devastating cuts to critical programs, we need a budget that invests in our country’s future. One that improves the economic well-being of low-and middle-income families by making investments that will generate good jobs, expanding public investments in affordable college and child care; and one that protects and expands social insurance programs and uses government purchasing power to lower health care costs.
The EPI Policy Center provides the research behind our movement for progressive economic change. We’re fighting back against attacks on our earned benefits and against protections for working- and low-income families.
Donate to the EPI Policy Center today to demand an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
Thank you for all that you do for working families throughout the country.
In solidarity,
Heidi Shierholz
Senior Economist and Director of Policy, Economic Policy Institute Policy Center
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