The priorities of Trump's latest budget for 2021 are crystal clear. Across the board, it prioritizes brute militarized force over humane solutions to urgent societal crises.




President Trump released his fourth budget proposal this week, and its priorities are crystal clear.

Trump's 2021 budget would put 55% of the $1.3 trillion discretionary budget toward the military. By 2030, that proportion would increase to 62% military, primarily through ongoing reductions in domestic spending.

Across the board, the Trump budget prioritizes brute force and military solutions over humanitarian and diplomatic ones. While boosting funds to militarized agencies like the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security, the Trump budget threatens just about everything else with cuts.

Among other anti-human priorities, the Trump budget would:

  • Spend less to alleviate poverty and more on the Pentagon, disregarding the will of the majority of Americans who support shifting military spending to domestic priorities. 
  • Extend the war on immigrants with more funding for ICE, Border Patrol, and a wall. 
  • Keep the wars but scrap the diplomacy, fully funding forever wars and increasing foreign military aid, while drastically cutting funds for development aid and peace-building. 
  • Ignore the real threat, climate change, while cutting funds for renewable energy and encouraging a competitive arms race, when what we really need is a cooperative global energy race.  

On top of everything else, Trump's new militarized budget isn't just immoral—it's also unaffordable, as Lindsay writes in Truthout.

Congress is unlikely to pass Trump's 2021 budget proposal as is. But it's up to all of us to resist this militarized agenda and flip the script on critics who keep questioning how we can possibly pay for bold solutions to real crises, like Medicare for All or a Green New Deal.

Read NPP's statement on the Trump budget and blog posts breaking down its spending priorities, and share widely on Facebook and Twitter!

In solidarity,
Lindsay, Ashik, and the NPP team at IPS

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