Our work with men has been groundbreaking and transformative. For more than a decade, our Coaching Boys Into Men program, the public policies we shaped and advanced, and our work with health care providers, business leaders, and judges, have been made possible by our brilliant, dedicated partners who are people of all genders.
So, too, is our Team: Changing Minds initiative, with Harry’s as the founding sponsor, which responds to the national mental health emergency so many youth are facing today.
As we move forward, engaging men in the work to build a violence-free world is more important than ever. Right now, our country is hurting and deeply divided. Those who promulgate hate are
amplifying the language of violence against women, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric as they recruit young men to their cause.
We began working with men to stop violence. Today, we do it also to preserve our democracy and our country. Rest assured, our commitment is unwavering.
Thank you for joining us in this work!
In Solidarity,
Esta Soler
Founder & President