
Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to open this email. You’re now part of the (on average) 21% of folks on our email list who read our messages.

Of that 21%, only a little over 1% actually click our donation, petition, or survey links.

And an even smaller fraction of that 1% actually chip in to our campaign.

We’re relying on that small group of folks even more today as we’re just hours away from our final mid-month deadline of the quarter, so we need your help.

We appreciate you for being part of the top 21%, among the most engaged and dedicated group of supporters on Team Tester. Can you step up today and join that elite less than 1% of folks who contribute to our grassroots campaign? We’re counting on your support now, so we can have the resources we need to get Jon across the finish line next fall.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for being on our side,

Team Tester