Hello Friend,
Every single day here at the Green Party of the United States, we
are amazed at how the Green Party is filled with people who
have incredible heart and courage.
Greens don’t waste time - they walk the talk.
We live what we believe.
Last year one Green was so dedicated to our Green Party vision
that, during his hospitalization for a bone marrow transplant, he
insisted on making phone calls daily to organize for the ballot drive
in his state. Another Green helped lead a hunger strike in the city to
force the ouster of a corrupt San Francisco police chief who had
overseen a string of racist murders.
It is for these people –
and for all of us – that the Green Party exists. It is for the people
that we work with every day to form a more perfect union.
Watch my short talk about the Green
Party Vision that I did for the Green Party's State of the Union
response last year.
That’s why we are writing to you today. We want to introduce you to the
Green Party of the United States and to our vision of a
world and an economy that works for all of us.
We are
a grassroots national party. We're the party that
stands for We The People, the health of our planet, and future
generations instead of the One Percent. We welcome all those who
refuse to accept a choice that’s limited only to the Two Parties of
War and Wall Street.
We demanded full LGBTIQA+ rights, called
for legalization of marijuana and an end to the War on Drugs, and
opposed the Iraq War from the beginning -- long before major-party
politicians decided that these positions were safe.
And right
now, more than ever before, our challenges are mounting.
We’re All in This
There is so little time. Greens are addressing many critical and
expanding issues -- the right-wing Trump Administration, the climate
meltdown, the endless wars, the slide towards fascism and xenophobia,
the next Wall Street-instigated economic collapse, nuclear
confrontation, and more.
The corporate parties will not fix these problems for us. We are
the ones we've been waiting for.
Now is the time to take a stand on our convictions -- while we
still can.
We want YOU to be a leader in the movement -- our movement -- to
help fight climate change, replace corporate power with democracy and
economic justice for all, end mass incarceration, and stop these
endless wars.
The Green Party supports livable wages, universal
health care (Medicare For All), repeal of Citizens United, free higher
education, student debt forgiveness, full reproductive rights for
women, human rights for all immigrants, and racial justice: Black
Lives Matter!
We will not be told any longer that the
status quo and the duopoly serves our nation or our world. We’re here
to tell you: The corporate-money parties do not serve us.
In fact, the establishment parties are doing everything they can to
silence our message.
From keeping our presidential candidate
Jill Stein out of the presidential debates to trying to keep other
Green candidates off the ballot in many states, the establishment’s
resistance to our message runs deep.
collusion with the fossil fuel industry, they’ve even gone so far as
silencing protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Hofstra
debate with brutal police actions.
Because the
Green message is one of people, planet, and peace over profit. And
that doesn’t sit well with the One Percent.
The Green Party is
winning important victories – notably for economic justice and against
fossil fuel infrastructure – but the economic elite have only
tightened their grip.
People are realizing that if we want to
fix the rigged economy, the rigged racial injustice system, the rigged
fossil fuel-based energy system and more, we must build a people’s
movement to overturn the rigged and corrupt political
The Green Party is the political vehicle to do just
Greens are leading the way on critical policies like
strong local schools, municipal utilities, public banks, and support
for worker cooperatives. We’re calling for millions of jobs to achieve
100% clean renewable energy by 2030, Medicare for all, and requiring
the wealthy few to pay their share of taxes.
The Green
Party is the only political party leading the way on these critical
In 2016, the Green Party was on the ballot in
45 states (including the District of Columbia). Three other states
counted write-in votes for presidential nominee Jill Stein and running
mate Ajamu Baraka.
Along with
the state Green Parties, the national party grants power within the
party to identity caucuses: Black Caucus, Latinx Caucus, Lavender
Greens, Young Greens and Women's Caucus. Also, an Indigenous Caucus,
an Elders Caucus and a Disability Caucus are in the process of
becoming accredited within the next year. We invite you to consider joining
are over 100 Green parties around the world, on every continent except
Antarctica. Greens represent a global movement for environmental and
social justice, nonviolence, and democracy. The Green Party
was well represented last year at the Women's March in Washington
We are on the front lines, and you'll be on the
front lines, too, if you join us.
There’s no better
time to be involved than the present.
There’s also no
more urgent time. The Green Party helps Green candidates who need to
win their races and expand Green influence on a state and local
Greens will lead the opposition to the Trump-Pence
agenda during the next few years. We will not compromise, capitulate,
or go along with the bipartisan consensus. The Green Party continues
to represent the best hope for America's future.
Here’s how you
can get involved right now.
want to volunteer!
want to find my state party!
I want to find and help candidates in my
I want to join a caucus!
Greens are offering trailblazing solutions to our
nation’s (and our world’s) problems. Green candidates light the way
and show the working person how to throw off the chains of the
establishment corporate parties.
Of course, it’s not right that
we have to fight so hard and spend so much to help Green candidates,
but that’s the reality.
We must fight for the greater good –
the good that the Green Party can do for the nation and for the
Gloria Mattera Green Party of the United States,
P.S. Remember, with involved
activists such as yourself, we can recruit candidates,
sponsor campaign schools, and provide direct donations to candidates
through the Coordinated Campaign Committee. The CCC holds monthly webinars. Check
out this page for more information.
P.P.S. Our plan then and now is to fight back in every way
possible to get our agenda implemented by electing Green candidates at
every level of government! The first, middle, and last step,
as always, is to organize.
Green Party of the United States http://www.gp.org/