A lot of people in the press and around government have been asking about the response to my campaign to amend the Constitution on guns.
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John -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to my Campaign for Democracy PAC. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so important.

Here is the truth:

In two weeks, we close the books on our first official FEC fundraising deadline. When it ends, we're legally required to report our fundraising numbers for all to see. The number of donations we received will be public, as well.

Now here is why this actually matters:

A lot of people in the press and around government have been asking about the response to my campaign to amend the Constitution on guns. They want to know if there is actually grassroots support for the idea as they consider whether or not to act.

The fundraising numbers we report will be seen as a gauge of the enthusiasm for actually getting this done, and a good report will encourage people to speak out publicly in support of our work. So that is why I am asking:

Contribute $3 to help us report a huge number of donations and money raised when this deadline ends.

Contribute $3 because I will put every dollar we receive today toward our work amending the Constitution on guns.

Contribute $3 because every donation we report sends a powerful message about the grassroots support for our constitutional amendment.

Please use this link to contribute $3, or whatever you can afford today, to my Campaign for Democracy PAC. Every donation we receive sends a powerful message about the support for our campaign to amend the Constitutions on guns.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

The amount of the donation is less important than the donation itself. I want to report a HUGE number of donations when we file our first FEC report.

Thank you,




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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815