Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: February 12, 2020

"But a security presence does not require annexation. There is simply no justification, other than a greedy, land-grab reading of the Bible, for Kushner’s annexation proposal."

Yossi Alpher, Israeli security expert, in this week's Hard Questions, Tough Answers for APN (see below).

Issue Briefs

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

February 10, 2020, - The Trump Plan: Reflections on Palestinians and Territory

Q. The Trump ‘deal of the century’ takes from the Palestinians territory they claim and awards it to Israel. It takes territory from sovereign Israel and awards it and its Israeli Arab inhabitants to the Palestinian state. Did these ideas just come out of the blue?

A. No. They have a very nuanced history of more than 50 years...

Q. Let’s start with the Jordan Valley.

A. From almost the moment the 1967 Six-Day War ended, with Israel occupying the entire West Bank, Israeli strategic thinkers designated the Jordan Valley as Israel’s security border looking east...

Q. Now turn to the Triangle border alteration proposal. Is this "transfer"?

A. ...Kushner’s advocacy of the Triangle border-moving idea now looks ludicrous...

Q. And those two Gazan Palestinian enclaves Kushner drew on the map of the Negev, one for agriculture and one for high tech, hugging the Egyptian border but not contiguous with the Gaza Strip? Where did they come from?

A. ...Kushner simply mangled the rational concepts that informed the past 25 years of attempts to draw a territorial map of a two-state settlement that separates two states and two peoples...

Q. The bottom line?

A. ...Mr. Kushner, please have enough respect for the integrity and intelligence of thinking Arabs and Jews not to call this a two-state solution...

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Remembering Emil Grunzweig

Thirty seven years ago, on February 10th 1983, Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered by an extreme right Jewish terrorist at a Peace Now demonstration in Jerusalem.

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APN Audio

PeaceCast Episode #107: Ambassador Dan Kurtzer - "Is Trump's Plan Reversible?"

Special guest Dan Kurtzer, currently a professor at Princeton University, was US ambassador to Israel between 2001 and 2005. As opposed to Donald Trump's Ambassador, David Friedman, Kurtzer spent time trying to devise ground rules for limiting West Bank settlement construction to minimize Israeli facts on the ground of the West Bank in order to maximize prospects for a two-state Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.


Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play

Action Alert

PETITION - Tell Netanyahu: "Trump’s Vision and West Bank Annexation Threaten Israel and Peace"

President Trump's vision is not a "peace plan" but rather a scheme, co-authored by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump, which, among other transgressions, allows for annexation of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the entire Jordan Valley.

TELL PRIME MINISTER NETAYAHU: Trump’s "Vision" will not bring peace

APN Resource Page on Trump's "Peace" Plan - APN and Peace Now items, recommended reading, and more

For Tu B'Shvat - In Palestinian culture, the olive tree enjoys an almost sacred status

Barbara Green, APN Activist: Last year I wrote a Peace Parsha for Tu B'Shevat (Jewish New Year of the Trees) in which I asked: When did we go from being a people who plant trees to a people who cut them down?

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VOTING STILL OPEN for the World Zionist Congress

Help determine the future of the Jewish state and the Jewish people and vote for the new HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate, which APN and 10 other organizations have formed.

Go HERE for more information on HATIKVAH and to vote.

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