A self-funding Silicon Valley executive just jumped into the race for California Senate hoping they can buy this seat. Can you rush a donation right now to help us keep Katie's narrow lead in this increasingly competitive race?
Californians deserve a progressive warrior like Katie Porter, who has spent her career fighting for real change. From fighting Wall Street and delivering for families as a consumer protection attorney, to holding CEOs accountable for their greed in Congress, Katie is ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow.
But this new candidate has already pledged to make a “significant” investment of their own money into this race. We won’t BS you. By pouring their own wealth in, this candidate could change the state of the race.
Katie has the support of millions of working people like you, and so without taking a dime from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, or Big Bank, Big Pharma, or Big Oil CEOs we still know we can win this. The stakes are high: Can you make a contribution to our campaign today to show that this Senate seat isn't for sale?
Thank you for your support.
—Katie Porter HQ