John, as many state legislative sessions come to a close, I have to say, I’m exhausted.
This year, I’ve already had to fend off over 100 calls to radically reshape our Constitution at the expense of people like you and me.
And unfortunately, there’s no time to rest, because those behind the Article V plot to gut our Constitutional rights are already preparing to ram more Article V bills through state legislatures as soon as they convene again. That means my work to prepare for the next session begins now.
In case you haven’t heard about Article V, here’s a quick rundown on this dark money plot:
Article V is an event unprecedented in U.S. history that could mean major constitutional chaos.
Essentially, the Constitution allows states to call a meeting where unelected, unaccountable delegates can make whatever changes they want to the Constitution – even going as far as writing their far-right-wing agenda into our Constitution.
This convention will commence as soon as a majority of states pass Article V resolutions. As I write you, only 6 states stand between you, me, and utter constitutional chaos.
Shredding First Amendment protections. Gutting environmental regulations. Rolling back civil rights advances. All of this and more is possible with Article V.
And it’s not hard to believe when you peel back the curtain and look at who is behind the calls for a convention: Wealthy special interest groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Big Pharma, Big Oil, and countless dark money groups just to name a few.
The threats Article V poses are too great for us to be caught unprepared. That’s why my work doesn’t stop when state legislative sessions end.
But John, if the start of this year has told me anything, it’s that we’re going to have to put more resources into our fight to stop Article V if we want to stand a chance against the wealthy corporations and special interest groups funding it.
That’s why I’m writing to you to ask:
Will you chip in today and fund our state-by-state grassroots organizing to STOP Article V and SAVE our Constitution?
Members like you are the reason we’re able to shut down Article V bills – like we did in Montana this year by only one vote.
But we can’t afford to slow down now as our opposition prepares for the upcoming state legislative sessions. Please let me know I can count on your support.
Thank you,
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Program
and the team at Common Cause