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Choosing Courage: Jacob and Michelle’s Adoption Story

I am unapologetically pro-life. For me, it’s not just a religious issue, it’s a human rights issue.

Being pro-life, to me, also means being pro-mother, pro-parent, pro-family, and pro-adoption. 

It’s why I’m the first candidate in Indiana history to run on introducing zero-cost adoption in our state. 

Politics is about people. On my campaign of ideas, we create our policies with real people in mind.

Jacob and Michelle Alles’s family motto is, “Love is courageous. Be courageous.” 

Read on to learn about this extraordinary couple’s personal courage in the midst of hardship and obstacles, and how zero-cost adoption can help families like theirs flourish. 

Jacob and Michelle struggled with fertility challenges for years. By a miracle, they had a son. But they would go on to endure seven painful miscarriages.

Wanting to have more children, they sought out adoption. Days after one of Michelle’s heartbreaking miscarriages they received good news: they’d been selected to adopt a son. The bad news? It would cost $34,000 they did not have.

The child in need of a loving home was born from a mother struggling with drug addiction who chose courage: to give her son the gift of life.

Jacob and Michelle also chose courage: they sold most of the inventory from their fireworks store to afford the adoption. Their courage inspired their community, who matched their donations. The baby boy, Henry, finds a loving home with the Alles family.

Jacob and Michelle would go on to adopt another child, a daughter named Margaret, born six weeks premature with fetal alcohol syndrome. Today, both Henry and Margaret are thriving in their loving home and excelling academically.

We have to be a state, country, and culture that promotes and values and life.

When people like Jacob, Michelle, and the mothers who chose life, act with courage, we have to have a system that supports, incentivizes, and rewards their courage. 

Love is courageous. Choose love. Choose courage. Choose life.

READ: Eric's first-of-its-kind Zero Cost Adoption policy here




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