By encouraging your MP to attend the next All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), 5 July 2023, on preventing men's violence against women and girls.
APPG on resourcing education for men and boys
On 5 July, we're hosting an inter-party meeting to show MPs how educating young people about harmful gender norms will achieve gender equality in our society.
Write to your MP to ask them to attend and hear from experts and leading voices in the ending VAWG sector. You can download a template letter here.
This is now available to view on our website. We held a 30-minute introducatory and Q&A session on our latest learning resource, 'Building Gender Equality For Young People'.
"I'm most excited to reach out to local and national decision makers to make sure that ending VAWG is at the top of the government's agenda -- now and into the future."