Dear Friend,
It must be an election year as it seems most of the political world
has descended on Mystery Creek ahead of October's vote.
As we continue to wind our way up the country on our nationwide Hands
Off Our Homes: Stop Central Planning Committees roadshow tour
to raise awareness about the Government's latest power grab,
the Taxpayers' Union is stopping off at the National Fieldays
until Saturday.

The team – and Porky! – would love to meet you if you are planning
a trip to the biggest agricultural event in the Southern Hemisphere.
Our stall is in the Rural Living Marquee at site
We have lots of yard signs and banners for sale to help spread the
word about the Government's Resource Management reforms. You
can also come and pick up free bumper stickers on our Central Planning
Committees, Three Waters and Ute Tax campaigns.

here to watch me explain in 60 seconds why the RMA reforms are so
One of the best parts of this job is getting to meet so many of our
supporters across the length and breadth of the country and events
like Fieldays always provide a great opportunity to have a chat about
the ever increasing number of challenges facing New Zealand.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Jordan @ Taxpayers' Union
From: Jordan Williams
<[email protected]> Date: Friday, 9
June 2023 at 3:01 PM To:
<[email protected]> Subject: Stop
Parker's Planning Power Grab
Dear Friend,
David Parker's new
Soviet-style central-planning regime is Three Waters
2.0. Despite jettisoning many of Jacinda Ardern's policies to
improve Labour's chance of re-election in October, the Government is
ploughing ahead with reforms to the Resource Management Act.
We're now half way through our nation-wide 'Hands Off
Our Homes – Stop Central Planning Committees' Roadshow
Tour. We're in Palmerston North tonight for an event being
co-hosted with our friends at Federated Farmers. Then we head
to Whanganui, Hawke's Bay and Taupo over the next few days followed by
National Fieldays at Mystery Creek. All the event details are listed
You can read some of the local news coverage and watch the video of the Invercargill
event here.

Just like we did for Three
Waters, we need to show the Government the strength of feeling against
these reforms. You can sign our petition here.

Yes, the RMA is a terrible piece of legislation that has fuelled a
housing and infrastructure crisis by restricting what people can and
cannot do on their own land. But these reforms will make the situation
much, much worse.

David Parker proposes to
seize powers to set planning rules from local councils and transfer
them to unelected, unaccountable regional planning committees working
under the direction of the Minister of the Environment in Wellington
and a new, unelected National Māori Entity.
Friend, between this and Three Waters, if the Government gets its
way, the only thing left for local councils will be libraries and
organising the Santa parade! The power won't be in the hands of those
who are democratically accountable.
Centralised 'Regional Planning Committees' will have to balance 18
contradictory 'system objectives' while also taking account of 'Te
Oranga o te Taiao' (environmental wellbeing) statements when
developing their plans. Competing interpretations of these concepts
will likely end up in court.
All this will lead to
higher building costs, more red tape, no local control and more
co-governance. If you want to stop these reforms in our tracks, add your name to our petition.
Our economist, Ray Deacon, and I presented to the Environment
Committee earlier in the year to outline our concerns with the reforms
and ask for the bills to be withdrawn. You can watch our submission here.

And we were not alone in our opposition. We have been our working
through the thousands of submissions that have been made on the bill
from pressures groups like ours to industry organisations, councils to
community groups, charities to individuals. The overwhelming majority
of the submitters have raised concerns about the bills.
But yet the Government is still pressing ahead.
As we ramp up our fight to stop Labour's central planning
committees, I am asking you to add your support by signing our
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
PS. this effort is 100% people powered. To chip-in and help us spread the word click here to
make a secure donation.