Justice Democrats

John, wow!

Bernie Sanders had a BIG win in New Hampshire last night.

Two states in a row, the people of Iowa and New Hampshire have voted to back a progressive populist for the White House. Voters are showing that the key to beating Trump isn’t moderation, it’s motivation. Exit polls showed a strong majority of voters were ready for taking on the billionaire class and progressive policies like Medicare for All. Plus, Bernie’s team should be feeling pretty good about Nevada too.

Here’s the thing: we have to fight on all fronts. We need to win power in the White House AND Congress. Especially if someone like Bernie wins the nomination. Right now, a majority of Democrats in Congress don’t agree with many parts of Bernie’s platform. We need to change that.

The first Justice Democrats are up for election in competitive primaries in just a few weeks. We need your help if we’re going to grow the Squad in Congress and help our next president pass bold progressive reforms.

Can you make a $3 donation today? Especially in light of Bernie’s big win last night, we need to make sure we win our upcoming primaries.

Contribute $3

In the last 40 years, no Democrat has won both Iowa and New Hampshire and then failed to win the party’s nomination. We are damn close to one of the biggest progressive victories we’ve had in decades.

It’s all thanks to the multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-class, multi-gender movement we are building together. Today especially, it’s an honor for all of us here at Justice Democrats to be in it with all of you.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats
