Hi John
If you're in Belfast City Centre tomorrow (15th June) why not come along to the Coffee Morning in aid of Stanton Healthcare. Meet the Stanton Team and hear more about the amazing work of saving babies by providing their mothers with practical help and support. And of course, enjoy some cake, buns, biscuits, and coffee or tea. It begins at 1.30pm in St Mary Church in Chapel Lane.
Stanton have also sent out a massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Sponsored Climb for Life. The initial target of £2000 was reached quickly so the Team decided to raise the target to an ambitious £5000. And with so many kind donations still coming in when this target was reached, the Team upped the Target again to £7000. More generous donations kept pouring in and total hit the £7000 target yesterday. Every pound donated will be faithfully used to help abortion-vulnerable women “choose life" for their babies. Every pound will help provide these women with the support they need during the 9 months of their pregnancy, and give their babies the best start in their first weeks and months of life. Every pound will help keep the “doors of hope” open at Stanton Healthcare.

We're now only 2 weeks away from the All-Ireland Rally For Life. With buses almost filled there's not much time left to reserve your seat. If you haven't booked call us NOW to ensure you'll be at the Rally in Dublin on Saturday 1st July.
And if you're in Belfast this Saturday, come along to Cornmarket for our weekly STREET OUTREACH. Be a voice for the unborn child by helping collect petition signatures and distribute pro-life leaflets at our Information Table. Join us at 2pm.
The Precious Life Communications Team
Killing of Baby Lily is being exploited to decriminalise abortion
Precious Life condemn abortion organisations and MPs using the killing of a 7 month unborn baby to push for the decriminalisation of abortion in Britain...
Read full story...
Precious Life remember
35,000 babies killed by abortion in Ireland
Precious Life held a demonstration and Prayer Vigil outside the High Court in Belfast when judgement was passed on a pro-life case in the Court of Appeal.
Back in 2019, the Westminster Parliament repealed Sections 58 & 59 of the Offences Against The Person Act and also gave the NI Secretary of State power to “make whatever changes to the [abortion] law of Northern Ireland appear to the Secretary of State to be necessary”
When the NI Secretary forced his abortions regulations on Northern Ireland in 2020, he also changed the Child Destruction Act.
Therefore, the laws in Northern Ireland that had previously protected unborn babies - Sections 58 & 59 of the Offences Against The Person Act, and the Child Destruction Act - were now overturned, leaving a child in the womb with NO LEGAL PROTECTION.
In 2021, the NI Secretary granted himself unprecedented powers to override the Stormont Assembly and force the Department of Health to set up abortion-on-demand in Northern Ireland.
The strong pro-life case in Belfast argued the Northern Ireland Secretary of State exceeded his authority.
Tragically however, the Court of Appeal rejected the pro-life case.
The judgement was coincidentally handed down on the anniversary of the abortion referendum in Ireland. Precious Life’s demonstration outside the court included a poignant display of baby shoes – each with a child name - laid out to form the number 35,000. This represented the number of babies killed by abortion on the island of Ireland since abortion was legalised both North and South.
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