Uh oh, folks. Our final mid-month deadline this quarter ends tomorrow and it looks like we’re in danger of falling short. Before I explain why this matters, can you rush a donation to help us stay on track?

This is the worst possible time to fall behind, folks. We’re hearing rumors that national Republicans are actively recruiting candidates to run against me. Our race could change in a moment’s notice and unless we reach our fundraising goal by midnight, we won’t have the resources to fight back.

The GOP will do whatever they can to win my seat in Montana to take back the Senate majority. Over $70 million was spent last time I ran in 2018, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they’ll spend even more this time around.

My potential GOP opponent could launch any day now. So I need your support more than ever to reach our crucial mid-month fundraising goal and finish this quarter strong. Can I count on you to contribute $10 or whatever you can today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This will be the most competitive and expensive race Montana has ever seen—but with you on this grassroots team, I know we can pull off a win and continue protecting our Montana way of life.

Thanks for your support,
