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Hey , check this out:

Stop shoving foam doohickeys in your ears at the shooting range...

Try wearing these bionic bad boys instead.

My new Sonar UltraEars use sophisticated technology to give you superhuman hearing WHILE protecting your ears from damaging muzzle blasts.

I don't know about you, but I don't have enough hearing left to waste... if you catch my meaning.

BEST PART: I'm knocking 50% OFF and covering shipping during our Sonar Blowout!

And hell yes batteries are included!

Unlike other "ear muffs" you've tried, these are contoured to allow room for your rifle stock!

This technology is a game changer!

I wore these while I was hunting last weekend and I swear I heard a mouse fart from 50 yards away.

Grab your Sonar UltraEars for 50% OFF here!

In Liberty, 
Oli Fischer





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