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June 14, 2023

Birdathon was a Success! Annual Meeting Recap

Photo: Red-shouldered Hawk, Peter Brannon/Audubon Photography Awards

Thank you to everyone who joined us in person for our Audubon Afternoon and Annual Meeting. We had a great turnout, over 150 people attended! We are so proud of all of our fantastic Birdathon teams - good work everyone and a deep thank you to all who donated! We had 15 teams and raised over $16,000! Check out the winning teams and some photo highlights here. Libby gave a great update on Stretch Our Parks and then we confirmed our six new members of the Board of Directors who will be starting at the end of June. Welcome aboard to Gwynneth, Deidra, Josefina, Andreana, Andreas, and Gary! The live raptors stole the show after that. Liz Dennison from Secret Garden Birds and Bees presented on what rehabbers actually do to help injured or sick birds recover, how they give orphaned raptors the best chance of survival in the wild, some of the more interesting cases they’ve seen, and the physical and emotional toll of being a rehabber. If you missed it, you can watch the video here.

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