There are little steps you can take to make a BIG difference!

Each election cycle, Sister District DC/VA/MD volunteers work to elect top-priority state legislative candidates to advance progressive power and policy in state legislatures.

Sister District helps progressives win elections across the nation, but our efforts are only as 💪 as our volunteers -- and we need you!


In 2023, we are supporting Joshua Cole for the Virginia House of Delegates.

There are many ways to help! 👍

Great Idea #1 - Join Our Phonebanks!

Phonebanking is the easiest and most effective way for us to speak to voters in critical districts - and you can do it from 🏡! New to phonebanking? No worries! We always begin with a brief training/refresher course. Veteran callers can jump right in.


Campaigns need dials NOW. 📲 This can’t wait until we Get Out the Vote in September and October. Recruiting a local volunteer now means potentially 5 months of volunteering. Finding undecided voters now means campaigns can start building their support today!

Great Idea #2 - Tell Your Friends!

Building a coalition to support progressive candidates takes a LOT of people.

Send this email to a friend, or encourage them to join our list at to keep up on the Sister District DC/VA/MD news and be invited to events and other voter outreach activities. 

Great Idea #3 - Donate to Our Candidate!

In local races like Joshua's, small donations make a BIG difference. Even $10 or $25 can help Joshua reach that handful of voters that may make the difference between a BLUE House of Delegates and a Republican trifecta in Virginia.

Great Idea #4 - Your Idea!

Let us know you are interested in helping, and we will find a way for you to help!

Your Sister District DC/VA/MD Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Kara, Emma, Mary and Jeff

Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Joshua Cole, candidate for HD 65.