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Wednesday, June 14 Round Up: Help pass critical housing legislation, submit a workshop proposal, join the ELPN Steering Committee & more!

NPH Is Moving!

ICYMI: NPH is moving offices! Friday, June 30 is the last day at our Pine Street office. Starting July 1, you can find us at our new office location:

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
49 Stevenson, Suite 500,
San Francisco, CA 94105

Please do not send any mail to our Pine Street office unless you are certain it will arrive before June 30. Our main NPH line (415-989-8160) will still be available for any inquiries you may have.


You Can Help Advance Affordable Housing Legislation!

The California Capitol

We’re in the summer stretch of the legislative session and your voice means more than ever!

Help us move NPH-sponsored and supported housing legislation forward by submitting an organizational support letter to the California Legislature on one, or all, of the following bills:


Help Shape ELPN Offerings

Steering Committee group photo

The Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) is actively recruiting for 2024 Steering Committee members!

With the help of dedicated and collaborative individuals, ELPN has brought accessible and diverse programming to early and mid-career affordable housing practitioners and advocates since 2014. Could you be one of their next Steering Committee members?

Deadline: 11:59pm PDT July 7, 2023

Open roles include: 

  • Professional Development (1 Open Position)
  • Social Events (1 Open Position)
  • Member Engagement (1 Open Position)

Note: The ELPN Steering Committee is operating with a hybrid schedule, planning virtual programming and in person events. The committee meets in person every other month.


Submit a Workshop Proposal for NPH Fall Conference


There’s still time to share your expertise and help shape the programming at the 44th NPH Affordable Housing Conference! Submit a conference workshop proposal today.

View submission requirements, including the workshop tracks we’re seeking.

Submission deadline: Monday, June 26 at 11:59PM PT

Please Note: We have capped submissions to three workshops per organization or per person. For workshop proposals to be considered, the organization or individual submitting the workshop must be current NPH members either through individual membership or organization membership. To confirm your membership status, or for any questions about your membership, please contact [email protected].


Affordable Housing On-Site Staff Summer Mixer!

Staff holding stickers

Do you work on-site at an affordable housing development?

We’re calling all on-site staff, including property workers, managers, directors, and any on-site affordable housing staff to join us on Friday, July 14 from 3PM-5PM PT at Oeste in Oakland for Connect & Learn: On-Site Staff Summer Mixer!

This event will be an opportunity to network, learn, and relax with fellow affordable housing on-site staff.

Deadline: Thursday, July 13th at 5PM PT


Make a Difference in the Affordable Housing Movement: Join the NPH Team!

Now Hiring graphic

NPH is looking for people who are passionate about affordable housing to join our team. We're hiring for two new positions to help support our vision of housing and racial justice in the Bay Area:

Please share these open positions with your networks!



Do you have an event you'd like featured on the website and in our newsletter? Please complete this form.


June, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), Grant Partner Training Sessions CZI continues to support their grantee community with training, consulting and coaching to grow key capacities, and tools and organizational building blocks to unlock greater impact over the long-term.

6/21, TRC: ESA Multifamily Energy Savings Program: Launch Webinar The newest Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program for affordable multifamily properties will open July 1! The program provides income-eligible residents and multifamily property owners with energy upgrades and services. Bring your questions for the interactive Q&A!


See Our Full Community Calendar Here

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine Street, Suite 350 | San Francisco, California  94104
415-989-8160 | [email protected]

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