Dear John,

I am running for the Ohio House in District 23 to unseat Laura Lanese because it is far past time that we put a stop to extreme legislation and get back to focusing on what Ohioans need - good-paying careers, access to affordable healthcare services and the ability to receive an affordable, competitive education.

Last year, my opponent, Laura Lanese, co-sponsored the 6-week abortion ban EVEN IN CASES OF RAPE AND INCEST.

It is far past time to trust women to make their own decisions with regards to their bodies.

Sherrod Brown won this district by 4,500 votes in 2018 and we can win it in 2020.

Please consider chipping in $5 to help us break the super-majority that the Republicans hold in the statehouse.

There is more than just a presidential race on the ballot. State government is where we can make real changes that impact people’s lives. I hope you’ll consider supporting my campaign.

Best regards,
Nancy Day-Achauer
Candidate for Ohio House District 23

Chip in to flip the 23rd
Paid for by Nancy Day-Achauer for Ohio.

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