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The Soapbox - The Union's newsletter for our 60,000+ volunteers
We have resolved to join forces to help preserve our Union,
our Republic, and our democracy.

June 14, 2023

THE SOAPBOX seeks to keep you connected to what’s happening at The Union and share news about our work to oppose anti-democratic forces in America.
STATE OF THE UNION: Today we celebrate Flag Day. Please join us in our ongoing campaign to take back the American flag from MAGA authoritarians and insurrectionists. Every day they desecrate what it stands for. Every day they make a mockery of the sacrifices of generations of Americans who fought and died for our freedom. So, let’s work together to take back the flag from those who dishonor it. The flag doesn’t represent extremist authoritarians. It never will. We say enough. 

WATCH: Video from The Lincoln Project about our flag

Learn here how to join the ongoing fight and share your flag story.

THE PLAYBOOK: Donald Trump’s 37-count indictment on violating the Espionage Act, and other crimes adds urgency to upcoming 2023 elections. Not only must Trump be stopped, but so must the extremists who are running for office this year. Our work registering voters and getting them to the polls can overcome local extremists running for governor, mayor, state legislatures, school boards and other offices. In one recent example, democracy fighters scored an upset win in the Jacksonville, Florida mayoral election.

Use this election calendar to find upcoming elections in your area.
Please check for volunteer opportunities at our Action Center.

THE PULSE: Pollster and Democratic strategist Celinda Lake appeared on That Trippi Show to discuss trends emerging for the 2024 elections. Abortion, culture wars, freedom, and the economy will be key issues. And while the extreme positions on choice and culture wars will help MAGA candidates in primaries, their stances on these issues will repel independent and swing-district voters.

LISTEN: Pollster Celinda Lake on trends for the 2024 election

Biden is doing the work: President Biden is making America stronger. But not enough know it. The bipartisan consensus he forged enabled historic investments in the nation’s neglected infrastructure. These are already making a significant difference in the lives of tens of millions of Americans. 32,000 projects so far. Let’s help spread the word about his accomplishments contrasting that with the endless obstruction of Trump and his cult who want America to fail. Be sure to check this new White House website for projects in your area.

A new website is tracking these investments.

How Biden leads: Throughout his career President Biden has worked to create bipartisan consensus that moves America forward. Time and time again, his wisdom and experience has helped heal ideological divides. After signing the debt ceiling legislation into law, he said, "I know bipartisanship is hard, and unity is hard. No matter how tough our politics gets, we need to see each other not as adversaries, but as fellow Americans." 

Leading a divided government requires cooperation

MAGA extremists are still doing the crazy: Following what was a remarkable bipartisan achievement to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, MAGA extremists in Congress returned to their determined effort to obstruct progress in the U.S. House of Representatives. While others aim for bipartisanship to make government work, these representatives are holding America hostage. 

Chaos in the House

Trump’s cult threatens violence: Wherever he goes Trump peddles his craving for retribution against anyone who opposes him. His cult has escalated their violent rhetoric to perilous levels following his 37-count indictment and arraignment on espionage and other crimes. His endless lies and deceptions are a blatant attempt to subvert the rule of law and distract voters.

Will Trump incite another insurrection?

Trump is hurting Republican recruiting: There is no doubt that Trump is motivating the MAGA base of the Republican Party for his 2024 presidential run. It’s all about him. Alone. But now he is weakening candidate recruiting in swing states and districts. Republican operatives are reporting that many prospective candidates who could win over moderates and independents are wary of running on a ticket dominated by Trump. The Republican candidate problem may provide an opportunity for pro-democracy advocates in critical contests.

Trump is hurting moderate Republican election prospects

A big win for voting rights: The United States Supreme Court has ordered Alabama officials to redraw the state’s congressional district map to add an additional Black majority district. Six of the state’s seven districts are currently represented by Republicans. It is a surprise win for minority rights from the conservative court and could offer some hope for other voting rights and gerrymandering cases.

Could other states benefit from the Alabama ruling?

Keeping an eye on No Labels: Spoiler alert. The No Labels political group is raising money and making plans for the 2024 presidential race. Don’t be deceived by false promises about political unity or protecting democracy. The only thing No Labels will do is hand the White House back to Donald Trump.

A 2024 White House spoiler

Defeated election deniers plot comebacks: Several of the most vocal 2020 election deniers that ran and lost in 2022 are planning new campaigns to rehash conspiracy theories about stolen elections. 

Where are the election deniers now?

The growing threats to democracy: The States United Democracy Center has published its analysis of a dangerous trend in state legislatures to increase election subversion. In many 2023 state legislative sessions, some of which have already concluded, this analysis found 185 bills in 38 states that pose a serious threat to election integrity and democracy.

A Democracy in Crisis report reveals new threats to voting integrity.

Help others join our fight for democracy: Our SocialStorm platform makes it easy to add your voice to the cause of democracy. 

Thank you for your continued work and support.


The Union
The Union is a single issue, pro-democracy coalition. While the Union is supported in its launch by The Lincoln Project and the reach of their 7 million followers, we are an independent, volunteer-driven, self-organizing force of people, partners, and actions aligned in defense of our democracy.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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