The 'Right' to Rape and Enslave Non-Muslim Women
by Raymond Ibrahim • June 14, 2023 at 5:00 am
Last month, in France, a Muslim man told an underage girl with whom he had been chatting on Facebook, "I will burn you all. I will cut your throats. I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so."
The girl's father, described as "devastated and angry," responded to the terror threats with which his family and he had been living, saying, "Islam is not what I have been hearing [it is]... Religion is peace, tolerance, respect... We have been living in fear for a year!"
The ongoing narrative is that Islam means peace; what is not said is that this peace comes only after everyone enjoys the "peace" of being Muslim. Until then, what is often presented to hasten this result is the exact opposite: jihad, or violence in the service of Islam. Many Muslims, just want, of course, to live in quiet lives, have good jobs and enjoy the blessings of this life. Others however, such as Western converts to the "religion of peace" suddenly and inexplicably become terrorists.
Such men routinely cite the same hadiths and verses from the Koran. Verses 4:3 and 4:24, for instance, permit Muslim men to have sexual relations with as many women as "their right hand possesses" — meaning as many women — all non-Muslim, of course — as they are able to take captive during a jihad.
"In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted." [Emphasis added] —New York Times report.
In Germany, some Muslim migrants act out their conviction that all "German women are there for sex." In the 2016 New Year's celebrations in Cologne, migrants ended up molesting a thousand women.
In Britain, where a large Muslim minority has long existed, thousands of British girls in various regions have been by abused and gang-raped by "grooming gangs" made up largely of Muslims, who apparently deemed it their Islamic right. One rape victim said, "The men who did this to me have no remorse. They would tell me that what they were doing was OK in their culture."
In a separate case, another Muslim convicted of rape told a British court that sharing non-Muslim girls for sex "was part of Somali culture" and "a religious requirement."
[T]he subhuman treatment and sexual degradation of non-Muslim women and children by Muslim men who deem it their "right" is apparently another "exoticism" the West is apparently expected to embrace at the altar of multiculturalism.

Last month, in France, a Muslim man told an underage girl with whom he had been chatting on Facebook, "I will burn you all. I will cut your throats. I will rape you and your mother because I have the right to do so."
When she refused to marry him, he defaulted to even more severe threats against her and her family -- at one point texting, "Soon we will cut your throats and play football with your heads." The communication was accompanied by a video showing the scene of a beheading.
Based on the name given in the French report, Fabio Califano, who was subsequently arrested, appears to have been a convert to Islam.
The girl's father, described as "devastated and angry," responded to the terror threats with which his family and he had been living, saying, "Islam is not what I have been hearing [it is]... Religion is peace, tolerance, respect... We have been living in fear for a year!"