News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

Last week, in a win for our democracy, the US Supreme Court upheld what remains of the Voting Rights Act and ruled that Alabama’s new congressional district maps were racially gerrymandered, in violation of this law. I’m glad that the Court came together to uphold fair representation, but we cannot rely solely on the courts to protect voting rights, we must pass legislation in Congress to do so as well.

Before I came to Congress, I was a voting rights attorney working to help folks participate in our democracy and to ensure their voices were heard and not diluted by gerrymandering and voter suppression. The Supreme Court decision was a victory, not for any political party but for our democracy. In the United States, voters should pick their representatives, not the other way around. This ruling was an important step toward making racial and partisan gerrymandering a thing of the past but there is still so much work to be done to make sure the Congress truly represents the diversity of our nation.

I will never stop fighting to restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act, and to find other ways to protect and expand voting rights and shore up our democracy. I am ready to work with anyone who wants to take the necessary steps to pass on a thriving democracy to our kids and generations of Americans to come.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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