John, BREAKING NEWS! Bernie Sanders goes to battle for lower drug prices Chairman Sanders is putting his foot down and using his power as head of the HELP committee to block all Department of Health and Human Services nominees until the Biden administration puts forward a clear strategy to "lower the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs."
Add your name here to stand with Bernie and demand President Biden stop letting drug companies price-gouge our neighbors to death! It’s time for us to take over the levers of power and break Big Pharma’s grip on our government. There are more than 3 pharma lobbyists for every member of Congress letting corporations price people out of life-saving medicines that are developed using our tax dollars! That’s why Bernie is fighting so hard. He introduced his drug pricing bill in May and has been grilling Big Pharma execs under oath. Now, the White House can’t confirm nominees without him, and he’s using this window of opportunity to leverage his power and make the demand — and we need to have his back! Join Our Revolution and Bernie Sanders in demanding President Biden present a plan to drastically lower drug prices. We're up against Big Pharma and need to stand up and be heard. Here’s what Bernie told the Washington Post yesterday: “My goal is to change government in general, policy in terms of the pharmaceutical industry, and demand that the cost of prescription drugs in this country are significantly lowered. Politicians for years have talked about the high cost of prescription drugs, relatively little has been done, and it’s time that we act decisively.” Sign to stand with Bernie. When we organize, we win. Our Revolution 