Her fate would have been hidden if we weren't there. |
Help put our investigators back in the field this Festival of Sacrifice. |
John, nobody would know what happened to her or hundreds of other Australian sheep in Oman, if our investigators hadn't recently been there. While live sheep exporters have been rallying support for the industry in Australia, we have been documenting the suffering they are responsible for overseas. What we discovered in Oman last week can only be described as a total disregard for Australian live export rules - exposing countless animals to brutal slaughter. The Festival of Sacrifice is just weeks away and we urgently need to get our investigators back in the field. We know that the fear of our presence is the greatest hope animals have of being spared the worst abuse. Can you help with an urgent donation to our Investigations Unit? |
While the industry's PR machine has been pitching a story of reform and redemption, the sheep they are responsible for are having their throats cut on crude concrete slabs in Oman. |
As you know, it was evidence gathered by Animals Australia investigators that forced regulations that require animals to be kept within approved supply chains. Sheep are no longer allowed to be transported in utes and car boots or sold for home slaughter. Yet, our extensive evidence across over a dozen locations in Oman reveals these rules being ignored, with some sellers even confirming they receive a constant supply of Australian sheep - in breach of live export regulations. Some even told us they are expecting an influx of Australian sheep for the impending Festival of Sacrifice - a peak time of animal suffering in the region.
Please use my donation to fund the Investigations Unit. |
These sheep shouldn't be here. They are on their way to a private premises for home slaughter - in blatant breach of live export regulations. |
Without a doubt, this investigation will have already prevented significant animal suffering. On the back of our legal complaint, the exporters implicated will be scrambling to rectify the situation before the Festival of Sacrifice. But if there's one thing I've learned during my 20 years investigating this industry, it's the importance of our investigators being ‘on the ground’. Not only because of the evidence we gather, but because it's the fear of our presence in importing countries that has always been the greatest motivator for animals to be protected from the worst cruelty. If you can help us to be where we need to be - where the animals need us to be - we will be forever grateful. For the animals, |
Lyn White AM Animals Australia |