Dear John,
Negotiations are underway to develop a global agreement to address the plastic pollution crisis. We need your help to continue advocating for a strong and ambitious Global Plastics Treaty that will turn off the tap on plastic production and create the systemic change we need
to stop plastic pollution—which French President Macron has called a “time bomb for the world”! Our team has been working hard to uplift the voices of our powerful and expansive alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals during the treaty negotiations. Earlier this month, in Paris, France, the United Nations (UN) wrapped up the
second of five sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2), during which we: We will keep working to ensure that key voices are heard and represented at the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations. With INC-3 set to take place in Nairobi, Kenya, this
November, we need your support now to make the most of what Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme Inger Andersen has called “a once-in-a-planet opportunity.” This is a critical moment to create a more just, equitable world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.
Onwards with gratitude, 
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition |