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Lucas Kunce for U.S. Senate

Hi John, it’s Lucas Kunce.

Since I sent you this note about the early arrival of our new son Harvey last week, thousands of people have reached out with well wishes and stories of their own NICU babies. Marilyn and I are so grateful for each and every one of them.

I wanted to send you another quick update today about Marilyn and Harvey.

Marilyn got to come home from the hospital at the end of last week and I continue to be in awe of her strength and resilience. Harvey has at least a few more weeks to spend in the NICU — and we’re taking every opportunity we can to be with him.

A photo of Lucas and Marilyn Kunce with their newborn son, Harvey, in the hospital.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for sending your love and support to our family and my campaign last week. People like you have always stepped up and had my back, and I’m so honored to have you on this team.

My campaign received a swell of grassroots donations after my last message to you about baby Harvey — but here’s why I still need your help:

Our big end-of-quarter deadline is June 30 and over the next few weeks, I need supporters like you to help my campaign continue to stay on track while I try to be the husband and father Marilyn and Harvey deserve AND the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate who’s going to defeat Josh Hawley next year.

So I wanted to ask again: Will you help my campaign keep on pace for our big FEC deadline later this month by adding a donation of $10, $25, or whatever you can afford today?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

I need to be there for my family when they need me — and we all need to replace Josh Hawley in the U.S. Senate next year. But with your help, we can do both.

Thanks for being on my team, John.

Lucas Kunce

------Forwarded Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2023, 1:46 p.m.
From: Lucas Kunce
Subject: An important personal update

Hi John, it’s Lucas Kunce reaching out with an important personal update.

On Monday at 9:47AM, my wife Marilyn delivered our newborn son, Harvey.

7 weeks early. 3.3 lbs. An emergency c-section. I didn’t think I could be more amazed by Marilyn’s resilience — she started working as a kid to help her family survive, came to a new country for opportunity with no money and no friends, and became a successful professional at an environmental non-profit — but witnessing her strength, love, and fortitude during Harvey’s first couple of days in the NICU and her recovery has been incredible.

Photos of Lucas and Marilyn Kunce with their newborn son, Harvey, in the hospital.

Marilyn is recovering faster than expected and, for the most part, Harvey is doing well. He still has some time to spend in the NICU, but he is proving to be just as feisty as his mom and getting stronger every day.

Everything that happened this week has reminded me more than ever that the campaign we’re building here in Missouri isn’t about personal ambition or getting into office — it’s about making sure families like yours and mine are ok.

It’s about making sure we have a health care system where mothers — especially women of color like Marilyn — in Missouri, a state with one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country, are safe in childbirth.

It’s about making sure people like me and you can have kids and afford to provide for our families afterwards without getting burdened by medical bills — like the ones that forced my own family into bankruptcy growing up.

And it’s about fighting for a Missouri where we can raise our children to live and thrive for generations with strong communities, opportunities, and good pay.

So yes, I’m running for U.S. Senate. But for my family, I still need to be the most attentive father and husband I can be — especially during this time.

That’s why I’m asking for your help, John.

Over the next few weeks, I won’t be able to make as many calls as I usually would to raise our campaign money during this end-of-quarter push — and there’s a real chance that if we don’t make up for it in online donations, our total fundraising number could take a serious hit.

I'm asking you to help me now so that I'm not in a position where I have to choose between spending time with Marilyn and Harvey when they need me and raising the resources to defeat Josh Hawley for all of us. With your help, we can do both.

Supporters like you have always had my back — and now I’m counting on you to be there for me again. So please, will you help my campaign stay on track while I take some time to be a father by chipping in $10, $25, or whatever you can afford today?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Josh Hawley hasn’t done a thing to make Missouri better for parents and our children — from refusing to raise wages so we can take care of our families to voting against health care to even using his own position and power to control the lives of everyday people all across our state.

These issues are personal to me, just like they are to you. And I’m proud to be fighting for all of us in this race for U.S. Senate.

Thank you so much for having my back, John.

Talk soon,
