Dear Friend,
Protect wolf pups from vicious trophy hunting and our planet from Big Industry attacks. Donate $27 to help us reach our $4,500 goal before any more wolves die and it’s too late for our ecosystems.
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Blood splattered on blooming flowers. A mother wolf and her pups sprawled on the ground. Lifeless.
As you read this, bloodthirsty trophy hunters are GUNNING DOWN innocent wolves and their babies with no remorse. And in some states, gray wolves have no federal protections to keep them safe. The second they set their paws in unprotected areas, they don’t stand a chance. Help protect vulnerable wolves and their pups from trophy hunters, and donate $27 today to help us reach our $4,500 goal for wolves and the planet!
Trophy hunters are tracking down and targeting wolves across the U.S. This puts them more at risk each day. Mama wolves are being torn apart by bullets. This outright massacre leaves their babies to starve, freeze, or fall prey to other species. But private interests are working to kill more wolves and take over the lands they call home -- all to turn a profit.
That’s why wolves need your help urgently, Friend. With members like you in this fight, we can make real change happen. Change that can help protect wolves, their habitats, and the planet. But trophy hunters and Big Oil lobbies are actively fighting back against protections for these precious creatures. Wolves need you now more than ever. Will you join the fight?
Help us work quickly to protect wolves and our planet before the loss is too great and donate $27 today to help us reach our $4,500 goal!
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The news is eye-opening: only 6,000 wolves remain in the lower 48 states. But the slaughter shows no signs of stopping. But it’s not enough for trophy hunters to simply kill vulnerable wolves. Right now, wolves are enduring some of the most vicious hunting practices we’ve seen.
Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming allow some of the most horrific hunting practices. Choking wolves to death in snares. Running them over with snowmobiles. And even dynamiting nursing wolf mothers and pups in their dens! Baby wolf pups who manage to survive longer than their mothers are left orphaned. All alone in the world, they have no other option but to suffer from starvation, hypothermia, and predation. Friend, no wolf pup should be fighting for their life when it has barely begun.
Some states offer protections for wolves, but these precious canines aren’t bound by state lines. They often roam into neighboring states like Wyoming, where it’s legal to hunt them at any time even without a permit. Wolves in Yellowstone aren’t safe from the slaughter either -- the park recently lost a record high of 25 wolves, leaving only 89.
What’s worse -- trophy hunters are actively pushing against protections for these helpless creatures! Montana and Idaho have passed laws legalizing helicopter chases. The Biden Administration has gone so far as to file an appeal to remove some critical protection for wolves. The appeal could push this vulnerable species closer to extinction. Friend, how long will we let this pattern continue?
These vicious hunting practices can’t continue. Rush your $27 donation and help us reach our $4,500 goal by midnight tonight and protect wolves and our planet!
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Wolves are intelligent creatures that are vital to their ecosystems. They help keep elk and deer populations in check, allowing other plant and animal species to flourish. The remains of their kill redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers. They truly are a keystone species, and the reckless murder of wolves will have ripple effects throughout their ecosystems.
Trophy hunters and Big Polluters are pushing against protections for these precious animals and many others. They know the Endangered Species Act stands in the way of the polluters harming communities, driving climate chaos, and destroying biodiversity across the country. That’s why they’re working so hard to roll back the protections the law affords. These special interests want to kill wildlife for fun and take over their lands to drill, mine, frack, log, and operate factory farms.
We don’t have much time to protect America’s wolves before they disappear forever -- with consequences for the entire ecosystems they support. Friend, your membership gift today can help save wolves from these vicious attacks and protect the future of our planet. But we are facing pushback from private trophy-hunting interests and Big Polluters. We need to step up our efforts before it’s too late. Will you donate $27 or more before private interests wipe out wolves and destroy our planet?
Protect wolves, the ecosystems they rely on, and the planet: Donate $27 or more and help us reach our $4,500 goal today!
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Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth