Hey John,
Welcome to the June edition of Take Five!
The spirit of resistance permeates through the month of June. The intersections of our movements – Pride and Immigrant Heritage Month, Juneteenth, Loving Day – all collide in joyous moments of celebration, reflection, and action. Regardless of class, race, or identity, our solidarity is more critical than ever to build a joyful and thriving future for all.
Below you’ll find stories from our network and beyond about hard-fought victories, ongoing campaigns, and fights worth supporting!
In Solidarity,
Jobs With Justice
Portland Jobs With Justice recently mobilized workers for a union vote at a nonprofit that serves unhoused youth, New Avenues for Youth. More than 80% of the unit voted 69-12 join Oregon AFSCME! Portland JWJ provided transportation to polling places.
Last month, North Bay Jobs With Justice led farmworkers in an action demanding disaster pay for vineyard workers in Sonoma County. The march was held during a high-end food and wine event. Over 200 workers and supporters joined the protest. Read more.
DC Jobs With Justice has been hard at work providing workers’ rights trainings. They’re also busy spreading the word about the new minimum wage for workers in DC - which includes an increase for tipped workers. If you’re in the area, join them for Turn Up The Wage Fest on July 8!
“We fit ourselves into those boxes, and then we stop working and we stop fighting. I don’t want people to do that. What you want, you have a right to have and you have a right to have the seat at the table.” Read more.
“... in the days leading up to the meeting, Amazon tech workers, warehouse associates, shareholders and activists began ramping up their calls for the company to take action in those areas.” Read more.
We have received reports that Amazon has threatened to terminate at least 84 newly-unionized workers with Teamsters Local 396 by June 24. With your help, the FiredUp! Solidarity Network can provide immediate financial assistance to these workers. Donate to the DAX8 Amazon Worker Fund today!
Hear from a DAX8 Amazon worker below.
Victory! The strongest worker protection legislation for warehouse workers has been passed in Minnesota. The years-long campaign was spearheaded by Somali workers at Amazon, but will also protect workers at warehouses that employ more than 250 people. Learn more.
We recently celebrated the groundbreaking first cohort of Advancing Black Strategists Initiative Fellows! With the significant need for Black leadership at all levels of movement work, the inaugural ABSI Movement Fellowship Program kicked off in the Spring of 2022. This paid apprenticeship program offered a cohort of Black worker-leaders direct experience developing and implementing strategies that sought to expand organizing and collective bargaining power with Black-led campaigns in the U.S. South.
Learn more at www.jwj.org/first-absi-fellows-graduate.
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