Who is ‘Jack Smith’? Biden’s ‘Special Counsel’ Lives
Abroad, Married an Obama Devotee Linked to Soros,
“Jack Smith” is Joe Biden’s special counsel in the criminal
indictment of former President Donald J. Trump. But very few people
have ever heard of the man, born John Lumen Smith, who is married to a
lady who made a fawning documentary about Michelle Obama family, and
whose family is linked with billionaire George Soros, and even Hillary

Want to Make Concealed Carry Rights Impossible to Exercise—Despite
Supreme Court Rulings
In blue states, the Supreme Court’s
rulings are virtually ignored. What good are gun rights when you can’t
use them?
The Supreme Court may have guaranteed the right to bear arms
in last year’s Bruen decision, but
Democratic lawmakers in Maryland and elsewhere are doing their best to
bypass the ruling altogether with phony “common sense”
measures—trampling the Constitution making communities less safe in
the process.

New on First Right: The Big
Tech Threat to Democracy with Dr. Robert Epstein
Dr. Robert Epstein is a distinguished psychologist,
researcher, author, and professor who is passionate about educating
the public about advances in mental health and behavioral sciences.
Through his discovery of Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME), Dr.
Epstein uncovered how Big Tech companies manipulate opinions,
decisions, and votes through surveillance and censorship.
We’re handing our data and
democracy to the tech lords, and Dr. Epstein is determined to stop the
Big Tech threat. Watch now to learn more about how you can fight

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