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Is the US military more intent on ending Ukraine war than US diplomats?

By Branko Marcetic on Jun 13, 2023 03:14 am

There are growing reports that unlike the guys with guns, the civilians are discouraging negotiations and talk of a ceasefire.
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Testing Russia’s red lines could become a fatal experiment

By George Beebe on Jun 12, 2023 03:00 am

We could find that we've gone too far — only after we find ourselves in a direct conflict with Moscow, not before.
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We shouldn’t be shocked that China wants to spy on us

By Daniel Larison on Jun 12, 2023 03:00 am

Stocks of brown paper bags are running low in Washington amid the latest hysteria about a purported Chinese listening post in Cuba.
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What kind of peace do we seek? At 60, JFK’s speech never gets old

By Katrina vanden Heuvel on Jun 09, 2023 03:00 am

On Saturday it will be six decades since the 35th president made a call for not seeing the Soviet enemy as ‘evil.’ We have a lot to learn.
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How WWII nostalgia fuels media’s impractical Ukraine aims

By Ben Armbruster on Jun 09, 2023 03:00 am

Yes fighting the Russians is just and Putin is a very bad guy, but analogies to the Nazi era rarely if ever apply.
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Nord Stream revelations should chasten Ukraine dam ‘hot takes’

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Jun 08, 2023 02:33 am

News that the CIA was sitting on intel that showed Kyiv planning attacks should be a warning: all is not always what it seems.
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Neocon Nikki Haley rides again

By Jack Hunter on Jun 07, 2023 02:26 am

The GOP presidential long shot talks about Ukraine like we were back in the Bush Administration. But is that what voters today want to hear?
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