Your Intentions: Three Holy Masses, June 14-16

Dear Friend,
Holy Mother Church dedicates the
entire month of June in which to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The
Feast of the Sacred Heart was established in 1856, by Pope Pius IX, to
be observed after Corpus Christi. This year, the Solemnity of the Most
Sacred Heart of Jesus is Friday, June 16.
Unfortunately, there are so many
sacrilegious events happening in June that deeply offend and blaspheme
His pierced Heart. Cardinal Burke encourages us to grow close to the
Heart of Jesus, that is burning on fire with love, for all of
Starting on Wednesday, June 14, I
am asking you to join me in three days of prayers honoring and
invoking the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please
submit your personal intentions to be included in three Holy
Masses, from June 14 – June 16 (which includes the
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus).
Together, let us invoke the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, who is rich in mercy and love, to have mercy on us and
on the whole world!
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and President Catholic Action For
Faith And Family
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