Travel Safe! Don?t Let COVID-19 Interrupt Your Summer Plans
As many Los Angeles County residents make summer travel plans, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) encourages people to take common-sense measures while traveling to avoid contracting and spreading COVID-19, especially at this time of year, when case rates and hospitalizations typically have risen.
Although data shows that COVID-19 transmission remains low in Los Angeles County, for the past three years, Los Angeles County has experienced a significant increase in transmission between June and August, when increased travel, celebrations and gatherings have contributed to summer surges.
To reduce risks?during travel, Public Health urges all residents to take simple precautions, including staying home when sick, masking while using public transportation and testing if a person is experiencing respiratory symptoms or has been exposed to COVID-19. For added protection, it is also recommended that people traveling together are up to date on COVID vaccines before departure.
Stock up on Free COVID-19 Tests
Free COVID-19 tests are available at all public libraries in the city of LA and select libraries and bookmobiles throughout LA County.
 For participating county library locations, visit
Find a LA city branch library at
New Newsletter Schedule
Starting?in?July, Public Health?s COVID-19 newsletter will move?to?monthly distribution.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has developed a wide array of documents, guidance documents, and resources for the workers, businesses, partners, and the general public on a variety of topics related to COVID-19, including:
For the Public:
For Businesses:
It is recommended you follow @lapublichealth on?Facebook,?Twitter?or?Instagram?the latest updates about Los Angeles County.
Always check with trusted sources for the latest accurate information about novel coronavirus: