In roughly 24 hours, I will be ARRAIGNED in federal court despite having committed no crime whatsoever. |
The price to save our country is high in Crooked Joe’s America: vicious attacks, endless witch hunts, and politically charged indictments and arrests. |
But if this is the cost to see our mission through to the end, to restore our free Republic, and to revive the greatest country in the history of the world, then it’s a price I’m willing to pay. |
You see, Biden, the radical Democrats, and the Deep State all believed that after Soros’ hand-picked state prosecutor failed to break us, that this federal indictment would finally bring our movement to its knees. |
The truth is, I could walk into the courthouse tomorrow, throw in the towel, denounce our mission to save America, and end our 2024 campaign, and magically, the charges would disappear. |
But rest assured, Friend, I will NEVER, EVER SURRENDER our country to the Left’s tyranny! |
Which is why despite their vicious attacks, our campaign to Make America Great Again carries on all the same. |
And when these sick and twisted radicals see that even tomorrow’s events will NOT break our movement, then in that very moment, they’ll know they’ve already LOST. |
No matter what happens tomorrow, our resolve to SAVE AMERICA has never been stronger! |
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America, |
Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States |
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Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219
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