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The Center for New Liberalism’s mission is to spread new liberal ideas and affect political change. To that end, we’re proud to launch a new initiative: the New Liberal Regional Action Project

Our goal is to encourage you to come up with a high-impact idea for a project or initiative, one that promotes new liberal values in your community, strengthens center-left Democrats, grows your local CNL chapter or starts one, or invests in progress in your community. 

Together with New Democracy, we’re offering up to $10,000 in grant funding to help turn your project into reality.
Submit your proposal >>>
We’re accepting proposals from everyone, regardless whether you are a member or not. 

Your proposal can be anything from an event series, to a long-term project or initiative that you plan to undertake yourself or as part of a team. We’re generally not looking to fund one-off events, rather we want ideas with a medium or long-term timeframe. We’re also looking for big, fresh ideas. We want a broad idea in this round first round of request for proposals. 

Proposals are due by June 30th. After then, we’ll interview finalists and help them expand and refine their proposal before we make final decisions for round two and start the projects later this summer. 

To submit your proposal, and read more about the CNL Regional Action Project contest, visit this page:

On behalf of the Center for New Liberalism staff, our steering committee, and New Democracy, we are looking forward to what you can aspire to do through this effort. 

Thank you. 

— Center for New Liberalism
The Center for New Liberalism (CNL) is a digital-first grassroots organization dedicated to fighting for liberalism during the age it is most under attack. We are the hub of a grassroots movement of center-left activists from around the world. Collectively, our work reaches upwards of 60 million people a month.

In 2023, we launched our New Liberal Action Summit. NLAS is free to attend. NLAS summits will be held across the U.S. and abroad, and the next NLAS event in Washington D.C. Registration is now open.

CNL values our members. To become a member or to learn more about membership, visit our membership page.

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