To say I’m blown away would be an understatement.
Just recently, I sent out an email asking our COS supporters to join me in mutually pledging our lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to each other by committing $1/day to the fight to call a Convention of States.
I promised you that I’d be the first to pledge my $1, and within 24 hours, I was so completely amazed and inspired by the number of people who responded to my challenge that I decided to increase my gift to $3/day. It’s the least I could do.
But here’s the strange thing… the day after I sent my email asking you to join us as a COS Patriots Club Member… our email delivery system started to fail.
We kept hearing from person after person that our emails, which would normally be delivered to their inboxes, went straight to spam.
I can’t help but think that this set-back probably prevented folks from signing up who otherwise would have.
So, thanks to the generosity of a patriot who’s fully committed to this fight, we have permission to extend the same incredible matching opportunity that we launched the program with — for one more week.
Here’s the deal: If you start a monthly gift of $31 or more before midnight on June 16th, it will be matched, every single month, for your first YEAR of giving.
That means that your gift of $1/day becomes $2/day for an entire year. Incredible!
John, I’ve dedicated years of my life to living and breathing this movement. And I know that many of you have done the same. When I think of the commitment and sacrifice of our volunteers, it gets me emotional.
But our work isn’t done yet. We still have a nation to save. As John Quincy Adams so eloquently stated, “Duty is ours, results belong to God.”
The results are stacking up… 19 states have already passed the COS resolution, putting us over halfway to the finish line. Yet our duty to do everything in our power to defend the future of this nation still remains.
So if you haven’t already, I hope and pray that you will join us in pledging your lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the cause. $1 a day… $2 a day… or $3 if you’re like me and can do more, is all it takes to make a difference. 10,000 patriots can change the world.
Here’s the secure link you can use to join me: