The God Particle
by Lawrence Kadish • June 12, 2023 at 2:30 pm

Pictured: The Large Hadron Collider, where the Higgs boson was confirmed in 2012, at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Echenevex, France. (Photo by Valentin Flauraud/AFP via Getty Images)
Few of us could master the curriculum when we were in school. Atoms, electrons, charged particles; it was a strange and alien world that few of us understood and even fewer could embrace much less master.
Yet we live in a 21st Century world that has been defined by the fundamental discoveries revealed, controlled, and directed by the laws of physics. Far more than some distant and mysterious field of study, theoretical studies that began decades ago continue to yield results that few could have foreseen, touching people around the globe.