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In the second installment of our newest animated video series, Fueling a Freer Future, we look at one of the greatest threats to the world today: politicians demonizing energy production.

In this episode, we look at the importance of considering the cost-effectiveness of alternative energy sources and the real-world consequences of abandoning traditional fuels.

As we illustrated in our first video, energy is one of the most important elements for a thriving human society. For too long, opponents of civilization have dominated the energy discourse, distorting the conversation with utopian visions rather than seriously considering their proposals’ potential costs to our quality of life. This series is dedicated to challenging the anti–fossil fuel, antihuman environmentalist narrative.

At our Mises Beginners page, you can find more animated series like this, including Economics for Beginners, What Has Government Done to Our Money?, and America: From Republic to Empire.

This project is made possible thanks to the generosity of Jim Klutz.
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