Learn about XR’s plan of action for the year, how you can find your role in 2020's Rebellion, and check out a big win for non-violent direct action

Dear rebels,

After a winter of steady regeneration, spring is just around the corner. With the days stretching out and buds bursting into new life, this movement too is stirring as we gear up for another year of action.

In just over a year, Extinction Rebellion has done incredible things. We’ve exploded into an international movement with branches all over the world, organised two major UK-wide Rebellions, and moved everyday people into action in their local areas. That’s pretty amazing.

Unfortunately, as HS2 and COP 25 have recently shown, we still have a long way to go. It will take all our perseverance and sheer hard work to turn this ship around. (More on this in the 2020 Strategy!)

The climate and ecological crisis drives us to act in the only way we consider to be right: Rebellion. Against our leaders, who sit by as the world literally burns, against companies that take and destroy on a heartbreaking scale, and against a toxic system that has led our species to destroy its own home.

But spring is on its way.

This year, it’s time to show the world that the real power does not lie in a crumbling government building. We have sounded the alarm, loud and clear. We will not sit back and wait to be given the change - we will be the change now.

A hundred rebels take to the beach to protest Bristol’s airport expansion.

And, it’s already happening. Plans to expand Bristol Airport were rejected this week after a stunning campaign of direct action by committed rebels and allied movements. Proving beyond doubt that our tactics are working and that our strength is not in any single place but in our vibrant, ever-growing network of rebels.

In the words of one organiser: ‘This is a powerful example of how local XR groups can really influence local and regional policy around climate change.’

For 2020, we are setting ourselves clear goals in these 4 areas:

⚡️ People Power

Bring a million people into active support and persuade 50% of the UK to see the Emergency as our country’s top priority.

⚡️ Vision

Test out new tools that encourage us to collaborate, listen, and take an active role in building the future we want to see.

⚡️ Movement of Movements

Work with other movements to create new shared stories that include and transform.

⚡️ Inner Strength

Build systems with regenerative cultures at their heart. Live the principles and values in everything we do.

That’s the outline, you can read the full 2020 Strategy with loads more detail on our action plan for the year and what that might look like in your local group! (Video here.)

This strategy is designed to gather XR's energy into coherent themes, it's not a set of instructions. Take it and let it inspire and empower your creativity.

Whoever you are, and whatever you’ve done - be it big or small, direct or indirect, sung or unsung, thank you for all the energy you have given and continue to give to this cause.

There can be no greater mission: we are fighting for survival. Win or lose - together, we’re on the right side of history.

If you want to support XR but don’t have time to offer, consider giving £5, £10, or even £50 a month to help make this ambitious strategy happen.

Interested in how to mobilise a million people? Sign up here. And check out new videos of our ideas so far! Invite your friends to rebel on May 23rd! Rebel Radio will be hosting a special show on the strategy on Friday, 11am - email questions to [email protected].

To a bold and rebellious 2020!

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