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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 12 February


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Couple tie the knot in NI’s first same-sex marriage

A couple who tied the knot in Northern Ireland's first same sex marriage have said they are living the dream.

Belfast Telegraph


Church of England is 'deeply institutionally racist', says Welby

The Church of England is "still deeply institutionally racist", the archbishop of Canterbury has said.



NI’s first joint faith school: Church of Ireland and Catholic Church silent on lack of progress

The Church of Ireland and Catholic Church have failed to explain why plans to merge two of their primary schools, announced in 2016, have apparently come to nothing – with one of the schools facing closure instead.

News Letter


UN aims to end female genital mutilation by 2030

UN officials are calling for an end to FGM by the end of the decade.

VoA News


Pakistani court allows marriage of kidnapped Christian girl because she had first period

A court in Pakistan has ruled against the family of a kidnapped Christian girl who was forced into an Islamic marriage, saying in its decision that no law was broken if the girl had already had her first period.

Christian Post


Spanish government passes first hurdle to legalise euthanasia

Spain's parliament has endorsed an effort by the new Socialist-led government to legalize euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide.

The New York Times


Canadian government plans to table medically assisted dying changes in next two-and-a-half weeks

Canada's government is planning to introduce changes to medically-assisted dying laws within the next two-and-a-half weeks, a spokesperson for the minister who is likely to introduce it confirmed on Tuesday.



Tolerance, openness and secularism are keys to economic prosperity, research finds

Tolerance, openness and secularism are the first steps towards economic prosperity, according to new research.



Six in ten Americans could vote for atheist president, poll finds

Sixty per cent of Americans would be prepared to vote for an atheist as president, a poll has found.

The Friendly Atheist (Patheos)




Hindus: do we have a caste problem?

Popular YouTuber Parle Patel explores the influence of caste on Hindus in the UK.



Latest NSS podcast


Ep 22: Bishops in the Lords - Dick Taverne interview

Is it time to remove the bishops' bench in the House of Lords? Emma Park travels to Westminster to ask Liberal Democrat peer Dick Taverne why he's introduced a private members' bill to do just that.


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