From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Anxiety Toolbox
Date June 12, 2023 4:44 PM
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** Anxiety Toolbox

** Wednesdays, June 28–July 12
1:30 pm ET/12:30 pm CT/10:30 am PT

Do you struggle with anxiety-related concerns? Join us for Anxiety Toolbox to discover new strategies to reduce stress and anxiety.

Anxiety Toolbox is an hour-long, three-session workshop designed for those in the performing arts and entertainment community experiencing stress and anxiety. This workshop aims to provide you with skills to recognize and manage symptoms you may be experiencing.

Attendance at all three sessions is required. This workshop is available to anyone living in the United States, Puerto Rico and US territories.

Please note that this is not a psychotherapy group and does not provide mental health treatment. If you are in need of mental health support, please reach out to the Entertainment Community Fund: ([link removed]) .
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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

© 2022 Entertainment Community Fund is a U.S. registered charity EIN #13-1635251
NY: 212.221.7300 | LA: 323.933.9244 | Chicago: 312.372.0989
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