Catholic Action Speaks Out Against Dissident
Priest Group
Monday, June 12, 2023
From the Desk of Thomas
Dear Friends of Catholic
I’m pleased to share with you our
statement, issued today, in opposition to a dissident group of
Catholic priests who are meeting in the Diocese of San Diego this
The link below will take you to our
“Open Letter of Catholic Action for Faith & Family to the
Association of US Catholic Priests”, but I wanted to give you, our
faithful supporters, a more direct summary of its contents and the
reason why we have issued it.

(I wish to add that we are standing with our faithful priests
in the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, who are also speaking out
against this group. Catholic Action is very closely affiliated with
the Confraternity.)
Back in the first century, St. Paul
expressed shock that some of his early communities were abandoning the
true faith that the Apostles had handed on to them. Here’s what he
“I am amazed that you are so
quickly forsaking the one who called you by [the] grace [of Christ]
for a different gospel (not that there is another). But there are some
who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of
Christ.” (Galatians
Our message to the dissident group
of priests is the same: how dare you try to alter the truth of the
Gospel, which is none other than the truth of the Church!
For the record, this group
advocates left-leaning positions on virtually every cause confronting
Church and society today. Just so you know I’m not making this up,
here are just a few of their policies…quoted directly from their website:
Gun control: their
“Gospel Non-Violence Group has adopted a Ban and Buy Back program.”
Racism: “As
Catholics, we affirm our commitment to end racism and white supremacy” (emphasis added).
Climate: “As
Catholics, we must learn about the climate crisis caused by climate
change and its effect on other intersectional issues we all
Women priests: their
pressure group “Discerning Deacons” has as its mission to “engage
Catholics in the active discernment of our Church about women and the
Notice how they use the term
“Catholics” but not “Roman Catholics” in these policies.
I could quote more, but I don’t
want to bore (or enrage) you. On every social issue, their positions
are reliably leftist. On every Church issue, their positions are
reliably ambiguous at best and disingenuous at worst.
In essence, the AUSCP is the
clerical arm of the radical Democrat party.
Now, in their annual assembly being
held in San Diego this week, they are taking aim at clerical celibacy
and the (heterosexual) priestly identity in the image of Jesus Christ.
Our statement will give you a rundown of the particulars, but here is
a thumbnail sketch of their rebellion:
They object to the
established teaching of the Church that the homosexual orientation is
“objectively disordered.”
They claim that there is
a climate of discrimination against homosexuals in the clergy – which,
to even the casual observer, is far from the
They want to change
seminary standards to allow
men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” to be ordained.
Their statement constantly references
the term “gay priest” as a kind of new category for the clerical state; and most
They openly admit that
gay priests are divided: namely, that gay clerics can’t be faithful
to the Church’s teaching and faithful to their “gay identity” at the
same time.
But isn’t that the whole reason why
the Church puts restrictions on gay men entering the seminary in the
first place? And doesn’t that make their clerical gay activism a
“different Gospel”?
Like all revolutions, the rebels
are blinded by their own ideology.
I will leave you to read
the statement when you have a moment, and I would also ask for
your specific prayers for us as we confront this type of clerical
rebellion in the Church. It is not of God.
Which is why Catholic Action is speaking
Sincerely yours in Christ and Our

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and
Media Inquiries
[email protected]